Eastfield Town Council Annual Assembly


Print Document

The Legacy Studio,

Ashmead Square,

Eastfield, YO11 3XJ


1. Welcome by Cllr T White - Chairman

2. To receive minutes from Annual Assembly 2022 held on 9th May 2022

3. To receive Chairmans Report on  the work of the Town Council.

4.  Questions and Comments from members of the public.


Purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting The purpose of the meeting is for the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the last year and enables electors to have their say on anything they consider to be of importance to the people of the Parish. Who can attend the meeting? The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors of the Parish. It is NOT a Meeting of the Parish Council. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of  Eastfield  may vote.

Created: 15/05/2023 / Last Modified: 15/05/2023 by Town Clerk