Council Meetings

Council Meetings

All decisions that are made by the Council are made in public meetings. The Council meets once a month to discuss and make decisions on the items set on the agenda. Representatives from interested parties may be invited to address the Council with information or to request project support, and members of the public are able to contribute at the discretion of the Chair of the meeting.

The agenda for the each council meeting is published no less than three clear days before the meeting - usually on the preceding Tuesday - and is available in the drop down menu under The Council

The minutes of past meetings are available at our Archive Minutes. If you cannot find the minutes that you require please contact  the Clerk.

The Council holds two annual meetings, usually in May. The first is the Annual Parish Assembly This is a meeting of the electors of the town and offers an opportunity to come together and find out what's been happening during the past year. Community groups are invited to submit reports on their activities. The second is the Annual Town Meeting a formal meeting which acts as the Council's AGM and deals with procedural matters, including the appointment of a Chair  and Deputy Chair for the forthcoming year and the approval of the previous year's accounts. 

Meetings are usually held in The Russett Room in The Legacy Studio, Ashmead Square, Eastfield  at 7:00pm.