Annual Town Council Meeting Agenda


Print Document

Dear Councillors

You are cordially summoned to the Annual Town Council Meeting

To be held on Monday 22nd May 2023

At The Legacy Studio, Ashmead Square, Eastfield YO11 3XJ


1. To elect a Chairman for the year 2023 - 2024

    To signed acceptance of office

2. To elect a Vice Chairman

3.Declarations of Interest

4.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Standing Orders will be suspended for up to 15 minutes to allow for questions or statements about business items on the agenda, submitted by members of the public1 (limited to 3 mins per person).

5. External reports

    To receive an external reports from North Yorkshire Police

6. To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on  April 24th 2023

7  To review Standing Orders and Financial Regulations  

8. To approve representation of the following

    Yorkshire Local Councils Association

9. To approve Schedule A - expenditure for May 2023

10, To discuss and approve funding for the Eastfield Summer Festival of Fun to the sum of £2,500

11. Clerk Update

12. Correspondence

13 Date of Next Meeting June 26th 2023





Created: 16/05/2023 / Last Modified: 21/05/2023 by Town Clerk