Full Council Meeting Agenda 26th June 2023


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Dear Councillors,

You are cordially summoned to the Eastfield Town Council Full Council Meeting

To be held on Monday 26th June 2023

At The Legacy Studio, Ashmead Square, Eastfield YO11 3XJ


Public Session

Members of the public are invited to raise any concerns with the council about matters which the Town Council have duty or powers to undertake or assist

( A maximum of 3 minutes per person is allowed)

A. Local Policing Report

B. North Yorkshire Council Report - Cllr T Randerson


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declaration of Interests

( It is Councillors responsibility to declare if they have an interest in any item raised on the agenda or during the course of the meeting)

3. Confirmation of Minutes

To consider and approve minutes of the Annual Town Council Meeting held on Monday 22nd May 2023

4. Clerk updates

An opportunity to update any matters there were raised at previous meetings.

5. Financial Matters

a) Monthly BACS Schedule of Payments

b) First Quarter Bank Reconciliation

c) To approve AGAR section 2

d) To approve AGAR Section 3

6. Update on Summer Event 

7 Update on the High Street Project

8. To discuss and approve proposed walkabouts of Eastfield - Cllr K Elbourne

9. Under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the following item members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting

    9a to discuss Town Clerk Contract 

10. Date of Next Meeting 31st July 2023




Created: 20/06/2023 / Last Modified: 29/07/2023 by Town Clerk