Town Council June 2023 Minutes


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Eastfield Town Council

Full Council Meeting

26th June 2023

Held at The Legacy Studio, Ashmead Square, Eastfield 

From 7pm

Present: Cllrs, T.White, Cllr B White, Cllr K. Elbourme,Cllr H Burn, Cllr N Grant, Cllr A Hemming, Cllr D Leppington and Cllr J Bullock

3 members of Public

Cllr T Randerson NYC

Public Session

Members of the public are invited to raise any concerns with the council about matters which the Town Council have duty or powers to undertake or assist

( A maximum of 3 minutes per person is allowed)

The Council were asked for an update on the Speed watch initiative, Cllr Elbourne said it was difficult to get volunteers, it was suggested he talks to the Eastfield  Residents Association.

A. Local Policing Report accepted

B. North Yorkshire Council Report - Cllr T Randerson

Cllr Randerson spoke about the drainage issues, Beyond Housing grass cutting, Scarborough Indoor pool approval to develop a 5 star hotel and case studies that include over crowding.


1. Apologies for Absence

It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllrs J. Parsons, J.White and C. Smith

2. Declaration of Interests

( It is Councillors responsibility to declare if they have an interest in any item raised on the agenda or during the course of the meeting)

No declarations made.

3. Confirmation of Minutes

It was RESOLVED to  approve minutes of the  Town Council Full Meeting held on Monday 22nd May 2023

4. Clerk updates

An opportunity to update any matters there were raised at previous meetings

    4,1 Defibrillator was accessed again since the last meeting

    4.2 Still no confirmation on start date for The Dell Refurbishment

    4.3 It was RESOLVED to approve the purchase of a new Epsom Eco Tank Printer to the value of £350 for use by the Clerk.

    4.4 Total spend from agreed funding for Summer Event to date totals £1,756

5. Financial Matters

a) It was RESOLVED to approve payment schedule for June to the total of £19,581.64

b) First Quarter Bank Reconciliation deferred to end of month

c) It was RESOLVED to approve AGAR section 2

d) It was RESOLVED too approve AGAR Section 3

6. Update on Summer Event 

    Update given by Cllr T. White

7 Update on the High Street Project

    Update given by Cllr T White - In the interest in getting the project finally coming to fruition is was Resolved to give the Chair delegated powers to make decisions on behalf of the Council

8. To discuss and approve proposed walkabouts of Eastfield - Cllr K Elbourne It was RESOLVED to allow Cllr Elbourne to look into further agency involvement.

9. Under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the following item members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting

    9a to discuss Town Clerk Contract 

It was RESOLVED to offer a Clerk/RFO post of up to 54hours per month and use a payroll company

10. Signed this day  Monday 31st July 2023 as a true record



Created: 29/07/2023 / Last Modified: 02/08/2023 by Town Clerk