Extra-ordinary Meeting 26th July 2023 Minutes


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Eastfield Town Council

Extra-ordinary Meeting Held on Wednesday 26th July 2023

at The Legacy Studio, Ashmead Square, Eastfield

At 7pm


Present: Cllrs T. White,K. Elbourne, B White, A.Hemming, N Grant and J Bullock


Welcome  from the Chair

Public section

No issues raised.


1. Apologies for absence

It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllrs D Leppington, J.Parsons and C. Smith


2. Declarations of Interest

No declarations made.


3. To consider and approve the following planning applications

       a) ZF23/00797/RGL Change of use for Community Shop


 It was RESOLVED to approve this application with a note that it been good to inform nearby residents

    b) 23/00366/FL Retrospective consent for erection of veranda

It was RESOLVED to approve this application but Councillors asked the question !had neighbours been consulted"

    c) ZF23/01134/COND Discharge of conditions in relation to application 21/01592/RM

This application seems to to have changed therefore it was not given consideration

    d) 22/00664/AA Installation of illuminated signs

It was RESOLVED to consider the impact on more bright lights and signs encouraging people to cross at this point where there is no safe crossing point




Approved as a true record on Monday 31st July 2023............................................................................................






Created: 30/07/2023 / Last Modified: 31/07/2023 by Town Clerk