Agenda - February 2024


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Town Council Meeting

Monday 26th February 2024

Chairman to welcome and introduce meeting from 7pm

Public Participation

Members of the public are invited to make comments to the Council on matters which the Town Council have a duty or power to undertake or assist.

( A maximum of 3minutes per person will be allowed up to 15 mins in total)

Reports from Police and North Yorkshire Councillor

Written report from Local Police and an opportunity for members to raise any matters.

North Yorkshire Council – Cllr T. Randerson’s  report


0201/24   Item 1 Apologies and Acceptance

To receive apologies from non-attendees and minute whether apologies are accepted.


0202/24 Item 2 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests

It is Councillors responsibility to declare if they have an interest in any items raised on the agenda or raised during the meeting.

0302/23 Item 3 Confirmation of Minutes

To consider and approve minutes of the following meeting.

  • Full Council Meeting held on Monday 29th January 2024


            0402/24 Clerk Updates and Correspondence

An opportunity to update the Council on any matters that were raised at previous meetings.

0502/24 Item 5 Financial Matters

            Councillors to consider and agree the Monthly Finances.

  1. BACS Payment Schedule for February 2024
  2. Monthly Bank Reconciliation
  3. To consider and approve requested increase in C.A.B funding for 24/25

0602/24 Item 6 To consider and agree proposal to create a Start Finish Task Working Group

Cllr T White to propose creating a start and finish working group to look at all aspects of the Councils finances to bring back to the March meeting.


0702/24 Item 7 To retrospectively approve purchase of Grit Bin

In response to requests from residents at the top of Bankside in accordance with financial regulations the Clerk in consultation with the Chair ordered a Grit Bin for top of Bankside

0802/24 Item 8 Date of Next Meeting

Monday 25th March 2024

Chris Parsons

Town Clerk

Monday 19th February 2024

Created: 19/02/2024 / Last Modified: N/A