Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Eastfield Town Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 39, you are viewing 10 - 19


address 9 Grouse Grove Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 3HU
description Retrospective planning permission for the erection of a timber fence
area Scarborough
start date 11/12/2023
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 08/03/2024


address Jazz Court Ashmead Square Eastfield North Yorkshire
description Conversion of 3 no. retail units to 3 no. flats
area Scarborough
start date 22/11/2023
decision Application Refused - 16/04/2024


address Land To North Of Eastfield For Middle Deepdale Development Northwold Road Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire
description Development of embankment road crossing with culverting of watercourse, associated landscaping and amended bridleway route (alternative to bridge crossing granted outline permission in March 2013 under ref: 11/01914/OL)
area Scarborough
start date 13/11/2023
decision Application Withdrawn - 03/10/2024


address Ha1 Middle Deepdale Eastfield Scarborough
description Discharge of condition 3 (materials) relating to 21/01755/RM
area Scarborough
start date 09/10/2023
decision Determined - 20/06/2024


address Land Off Fallow Field Road Eastfield North Yorkshire YO11 3HU
description Non material amendment relating to 21/00052/OL to allow changes to the site layout on plots 1-31 and house types
area Scarborough
start date 06/10/2023
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 15/03/2024


address Land To North Of Eastfield For Middle Deepdale Development Northwold Road Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire
description Discharge of Condition 4 (Landscaping) and Condition 6 (Biodiversity) relating to 22/02521/FL
area Scarborough
start date 04/10/2023
decision Determined - 02/01/2024


address Land To North Of Eastfield For Middle Deepdale Development Northwold Road Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire
description Discharge of conditions 2 (materials), 3 (boundary treatments), 6 (ecology) and 12 (surface water outflow) in relation to application 21/00052/OL
area Scarborough
start date 22/09/2023
decision Determined - 28/03/2024


address Land To The South West Of The Boulevard Middle Deepdale Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire
description Non-material amendment in relation to application 22/02521/FL to allow alterations to layout of grounds and removal of sub-station
area Scarborough
start date 19/09/2023
decision Application Permitted (with conditions) - 05/12/2023


address HA1 Middle Deepdale Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 3RE
description Discharge of conditions 37 (Roads and Footways), 43 (Street Lighting Strategy) & 44 (Street Lighting Schemes) of decision 11/01914/OL in relation to part of the site approved under 21/01755/RM
area Scarborough
start date 08/09/2023
decision Determined - 02/05/2024


address HA 1 Middle Deepdale Eastfield Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 3RE
description Discharge of conditions 14 (foul and surface water principles), 7 (drainage strategy), 8 (drainage scheme), 11 (attenuation) and 12 (Foul Drainage) of decision 11/01914/OL in relation to part of the site approved under 21/01755/RM
area Scarborough
start date 08/09/2023
decision Determined - 20/06/2024